Thursday, May 8, 2008

A 101 fledgling...

At first glance this looks innocent enough - not a cakeboy in the strictest sense of the word, but at closer, let's say with NODS you will find something sinister. A hint of things to come, and, I might add, a whole new twist on horsepower.

NHRA stickers coupled with NASCAR #3 and #24 car emblems combine for -0.36 L to this already stellar 2.0 system. DOHC? I don't think it matters. Clean lines, no spoiler, no emblems of yesteryear, just decals from the fruit basket that is racing.

Why post this? I will tell you why. If I ever put a Don Prudhome Mongoose AND and Cobra sticker on my Big Wheel, I would have been laughed out of the trailer park. NASCAR and NHRA have no business on the same silicone-based viewing system hecho in Mexico.

Or, does this wily driver know something we don't? Are they tapping into a well of liquid goodness that we had yet to uncover? A call to arms! We must be more vigilant in our search, we owe it to our loyal base.


Joe said...

That aint is not a good ideer. We is not gonna take no crap from some city folk kid that aint knows nothing about NASCAR with some NHRA sticka on his there car. I says we's gonna have a hangin tonight!

Brigham said...

git a rope....