Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Gauges? We don't need no stinkin' gauges!

Yes. It's for sale. Notice the 623 on the sign as validation of a local sighting.

Gauges are the order of the day. Whilst this jpeg is not entirely indicative of the number of gauges, rest assured they exist. There are 4 total. 3 mounted in successive sizing along the interior window molding and one larger "tach" glaring at you center-left of the steering wheel.

It is a multiplicative, which means more than additive for the AJ folks, force when it comes to horsepower. The gauges don't actually have to do anything, well at least they don't have to measure anything, in order to have full effect. The mere presence of a gauge can so overwhelm the driver, passengers or opponents as to have the obvious effect.

That is to say, it must be sold. Relinquished. Abdicated. Cast off to the lots in the far west side. That is the only clear solution for a car with too much horsepower.


Joe said...

Did they use finger paints on the hood and skirt?

Brigham said...

Are those gigantic scoops on the hood routed to the cockpit as crotch-coolers?

Joe said...

It must be, you got to have big ones for that kind of car...

Jarret M. Sharp, Ed. D. said...

Crotch coolers are an option in lieu of a guage. This guy was clearly in over his head.

Finger paints, no. Puff paints? Affirmative.

Let's not say big ones any more. I feel unsafe.

Joe said...

OK, so no more referring to big scoops as "big ones"... I understand the fear of giving such cars advantageous references, it could make them popular. Society has too many issues as it is, we need not give it more.